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    Chapter 68: The Stampede Incident!

    From a high vantage point, a vibrant crowd of people, all colors and sizes, formed a knot in the distance. Some tried to push their way in, others tried to escape, while the majority stood bewildered, unsure of what to do, crammed together so tightly that there was no room to move.

    Shrieks, both high and low, emanated from the center of the throng.

    Gretel’s heart pounded with anxiety. He stretched out his arms, pushing forward and to the sides with all his might. “I’m a doctor! — I’m a healer! Let me through!!!”

    Finally, people started to make way for him. One, two, three… Gretel squeezed his way through, thanking people as he went, all the while listening to the worried murmurs of the bystanders:

    “What happened, what happened?”

    “The platform collapsed!”

    “How could the platform collapse?”

    “They were throwing candy down, too many people rushing to grab it, and then they just… ”

    The situation was serious!

    Large-scale events like this were always vulnerable to collapses and stampedes!

    Gretel’s heart pounded even faster. As he squeezed into the inner circle, his eyes scanned the scene, revealing a situation even worse than he had imagined.

    In the center of the crowd, a wooden platform leaned precariously, half-collapsed. It was still possible to make out its original form – a stage, about the height of a man. The steps at the edge of the stage had been trampled down, and around them, people were sprawled on the ground, some groaning in pain, others struggling to crawl out, and some lying still, lifeless. There were those who were frantically trying to rescue others, while others milled around aimlessly, hands wringing, unsure of what to do…

    Gretel even saw a young woman with her right leg bent at an unnatural angle, blood gushing from the wound. But she paid no attention to her own injury, her hands on the ground as she desperately crawled toward the remains of the stage: “Liliana! Liliana!”

    A child?!

    A child was injured?!

    Gretel’s hair stood on end. A figure suddenly surged past him, and Gretel recognized him – Little John, the first pastor he had met since he was transported to this world.

    Little John had already reached the woman’s side, his palm glowing white as he pressed it against her bleeding leg. But the woman refused his treatment, grabbing his wrist and pulling him toward the stage debris: “My child! My child! Save my child!”

    Little John froze. From all directions, several hands instantly reached out, grabbing his ankles and pulling on the hem of his pastor’s robe:

    “Save me…”

    “Save me…”

    “Pastor, please save me…”

    “I’ll give you money, I’ll give you money – there are five silver coins in this pouch, take them, I have more at home…”

    Little John was overwhelmed. He whipped his head around and saw Gretel standing nearby. Tears welled in his eyes as he shouted at him:

    “What should I do! I can’t save all these people! I – I – I can only save one!”

    “You’re too slow saving people like this! Listen to me!”

    Gretel strode over to him, pulling on Little John’s arm. With his other hand raised high, his fingertip glowing white:

    “I’m a healer! Listen to me! Back up! Back up! Spread out!”

    He repeated his commands several times, and the chaos gradually subsided. Gretel looked around and pointed at a boy who seemed to be quick-witted and a man with thick eyebrows who looked vaguely familiar:

    “You! Go find the City Guard!

    You! Go to the War God Temple and tell them I’m Gretel Nordmark! Ask them to come here to help, there are many people injured!

    Everyone else, don’t panic, the elderly and children go to the back, the rest of you form pairs, carry the injured one by one to a clean place!”

    In the midst of such chaos, when someone steps forward and gives clear instructions, others will naturally follow. The boy and the man with thick eyebrows ran off immediately, while the other men and women, some looking at Little John and some forming groups already, began to carry the injured. A shop owner emerged and yelled:

    “My shop is right next door, bring them to my shop!”

    Wonderful! Gretel nodded to him and pointed with his hand. Then he rushed to the side of the injured, checking them one by one, while also activating the Lawmaster’s Trick, a zero-level magic spell:

    “This leg is broken! Two of you, one on each side, lift him! Don’t touch the leg!”


    With a wave of his hand, a bright yellow mark appeared on the man’s right shoulder, very conspicuous. The injury was serious, but the patient was conscious and there was no immediate danger to his life, so he received a yellow mark, indicating delayed treatment!

    Lawmaster’s Trick was truly handy. It was a zero-level magic spell that could last for an hour, and every six seconds it could dye anything within a cubic foot.

    If this wasn’t magic, where would he find a bunch of colored tags in such a hurry?

    “Okay!” The two sturdy men lifted the injured man and began to walk away. Gretel quickly called out: “Wait!”

    He stood still, lowered his head, focused, took a deep breath – a deep exhale – another deep breath – another deep exhale. After six seconds, he raised his hand again and drew a bright yellow line near the proximal end of the injured man’s broken leg.

    “Find a sturdy strip of cloth, tie it where I drew the line! If you can, insert a stick, tighten it firmly! Stop the bleeding!”


    The man carrying the injured man responded loudly. The young pastor shouted back, no less loudly: “Shouldn’t you treat him first?”

    “We need to prioritize!” Gretel shouted back:

    “Treat the life-threatening injuries first, then the severe injuries, the minor injuries can wait! Hurry! – You guide them in carrying the injured, come back here once they’re inside, I’ll mark them!”


    Little John took off running. He even wore his pastor’s robe when he came out to play during the Midsummer Festival, so while the people here didn’t know him, they recognized the robe. Seeing that even he obeyed Gretel’s orders, people naturally became more compliant with Gretel’s instructions. Soon another injured person was brought out, Gretel knelt down and quickly examined him:

    “This one… fainted, let me see, he has a pulse, he has a heartbeat, be careful! One more person! Three of you together, one supports his head and shoulders, one supports his hips, one supports his legs, keep it straight, one, two, three, lift!”


    With a wave of his hand, a bright red mark appeared on the man’s forehead. Unresponsive, unconscious, with a pulse and breathing, this was the top priority for emergency treatment!

    They had to send him to the hospital immediately, oh, there was no hospital right now… After sorting them out, he would have to come back and check on him immediately, ready to perform CPR at any time, or if a pastor arrived, they would be prioritized for treatment!

    “Put all the red marks in one pile, all the yellow ones in one pile, the green ones and the black ones, one pile each! Leave one person beside each patient to help me!”

    Gretel yelled loudly to the volunteers helping to carry the injured. As he finished speaking, he lowered his head and immediately observed the next injured person:

    “This one… no breathing, no heartbeat, I don’t have time for you now, I’m sorry…”


    A black mark was plastered on the man. He was too busy to deal with him now, once he had sorted the rest of the injured, and if he had time to spare, he would come back and assess the situation and see if there was any hope of reviving him.

    “This one… he can crawl on his own, go, go, go, sit by yourself and wait!”


    A green mark was applied. This was the category that needed to be dealt with last, after all the other injured had been treated, or when there was a surplus of treatment resources on site, they could turn their attention to these minor injuries.

    Of course, they still needed to be monitored, who knows what hidden pathological or physiological changes might occur, such as hypoxemia or metabolic acidosis, if they were left alone, they might just collapse on the spot…

    Gretel ran back and forth, barking orders. For a while, the area around the stage was in complete turmoil, with dozens of people under his command. Maintaining order, moving and transporting the injured, carrying the collapsed stage…

    With many hands making light work, the scene that had looked like hell just moments ago was quickly cleared out by half.

    嘤嘤嘤, I lost one place on the collection increase chart, so sad…

    I’m so scared that the trial run and push pk will fail…

    Please help me, don’t just collect the book, come and take a look every day!

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    (End of Chapter)

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