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    Chapter 28: This is the Hogwarts in My Heart

    “Very good, Miss Granger,” Professor Flitwick said cheerfully, calling on Hermione.

    Hermione proudly raised her chin, quickly stood up and said, “The incantation for the Cleaning Charm is *Scourgify*. Its function is to clean up what we consider to be rubbish, according to our thoughts.”

    “Excellent, ten points to Ravenclaw.”

    Professor Flitwick seemed very pleased. “Miss Granger explained it perfectly. The *Scourgify* charm can clear away what we consider rubbish. As long as you master this spell, you can quickly clean off dirt from your clothes.”

    “Like this…”

    Professor Flitwick took out his wand and waved it lightly.


    A faint whirlwind seemed to swirl around Parvati Patil, who was sitting in the front row. When the whirlwind disappeared, all the dirt on Parvati had vanished, her robes were as good as new, and even the unpleasant smell was gone.

    Parvati’s face was full of surprise, while the other Gryffindor young witches and wizards looked at Professor Flitwick expectantly, hoping he would perform the magic on them too.

    However, Professor Flitwick clearly didn’t intend to do so.

    He continued, “The *Scourgify* charm is very convenient, but this magic is also very dangerous. If your understanding of ‘rubbish’ is not clear enough, then the *Scourgify* charm will not only be ineffective, but may even cause harm.”

    “Especially when you are cleaning the dirt from your own body!”

    “Remember this, when casting spells, we must clearly define what we want to clean up as rubbish.”

    Then, Professor Flitwick gave an example of a spell gone wrong.

    There was once a witch who wanted to use the *Scourgify* charm to remove the hair on her legs, but she ended up removing all the hair on her body, including her head.

    After giving the example of a failed spell, Professor Flitwick explained the casting technique of the *Scourgify* charm in detail.

    This included the incantation, the hand gestures, the caster’s mental state, and most importantly, the magical principles.

    The more deeply Andy delved into magic, the more he felt the importance of magical principles to spellcasting.

    Normally using the *Scourgify* charm only requires ‘incantation, hand gestures, and mental recognition of rubbish’ – these three points are sufficient.

    But if you want to understand a spell deeply, or even extend its functions beyond its original purpose, you must grasp the magical principles.

    According to Professor Flitwick, he could even precisely remove all the mud from a mixture of flour and mud.

    “That’s all I’ll say about this charm for now. Does anyone have any questions?” Professor Flitwick asked.

    Andy eagerly raised his hand.

    Professor, I have a question.

    Professor Flitwick looked at Andy and cheerfully called on him, “Mr. Collins, please.”

    Andy organized his thoughts, “Professor, you said earlier that the *Scourgify* charm can clean up rubbish according to our perception. Does this mean that our magic can actually hear our thoughts and perceive our emotions?”

    “Also, in the usual sense, the rubbish we perceive is just some everyday waste. But if I can forcibly change my conceptual understanding, could I use the *Scourgify* charm to clean up other things?”


    Andy asked a whole bunch of questions, almost every question that could be extended from the *Scourgify* charm.

    Professor Flitwick looked at Andy with a dumbfounded expression.

    If it weren’t for Andy’s youthful face, Professor Flitwick would have almost thought that he was discussing these issues with a highly powerful wizard.

    The young witches and wizards in the classroom were silent. What on earth is he talking about?


    Professor Flitwick coughed lightly and said seriously, “Our magic can indeed sense our thoughts and emotions, but this is not controlled by our subjective will.”

    “We can use magic to cast spells, but it’s difficult to freely manipulate our magic. Magic is like our blood; it’s in our bodies, but can you control your blood flow at will?”

    “As for your second question…that’s also very difficult. The concepts of everyday life have been deeply ingrained in your brain since your childhood, so it’s hard to deceive yourself.”

    “Your third question is…”

    Professor Flitwick patiently answered all of Andy’s questions. Andy was thrilled; he finally met a reliable professor.

    This was the Hogwarts in Andy’s heart.

    “Alright, Mr. Collins, do you have any more questions?” Professor Flitwick asked gently.

    “No, Professor.” Andy certainly had many more questions, but those were unrelated to the *Scourgify* charm and weren’t suitable for this class.

    Professor Flitwick continued, “What about the rest of you?”

    None of the young witches and wizards spoke.

    “Very good. Since you have no more questions, we will now begin formal practice.” Professor Flitwick said.

    “Oh! No, no, no! Mr. Weasley, please put down your wand.”

    Andy quickly turned to look.

    Ron was pointing his wand at Harry, urging him to take out his wand as well.

    Clearly, Ron couldn’t wait to clean off the fertilizer on himself.

    “I must warn you, before you master the *Scourgify* charm, you must never use this magic on anyone,” Professor Flitwick said seriously.

    Then, Professor Flitwick waved his wand.

    A small box flew out of the lectern, flying to each young witch and wizard and sprinkling some sand on their desks.

    Professor Flitwick said, “We’ll start by using the *Scourgify* charm to clean the sand off our desks. Alright, everyone, begin!”



    The classroom resounded with the repeated incantations. Andy looked around; so far, none of the young witches and wizards had successfully cast the *Scourgify* charm.

    What a bunch of underachievers.

    Of course, the reason why these young witches and wizards couldn’t successfully cast the spell wasn’t because they were incompetent. The main reason was that their minds were not mature enough, and their understanding was not firm enough.

    Was the sand on the desk rubbish, or a teaching tool?

    If they couldn’t firmly believe that the sand was rubbish, the *Scourgify* charm would never work.


    Hermione whispered the incantation, and with a light wave of her wand, the sand on her desk instantly disappeared.

    “Magnificent, Miss Granger! Ten points to Ravenclaw for that!” Professor Flitwick exclaimed excitedly. Ravenclaw really produced exceptional talents this year.

    (End of Chapter)

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