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    Chapter 98: Lord Voldemort and Dumbledore

    September 2, 2023

    Chapter 98: Lord Voldemort and Dumbledore

    With Harry Potter captured, the smile on Snape’s face was uncontainable. “Potter, you should remember how to get to Professor McGonagall’s office, shouldn’t you?”

    Harry glared at Snape with resentment.

    He was worried about the Philosopher’s Stone’s safety, but the other professors ignored him, especially Professor Snape, who was even actively hindering him.

    Noticing Harry’s eyes, Snape’s gaze became slightly complex. But the sight of Harry’s face made him feel nauseous.

    “Let’s go!”

    He led Harry and Ron to Professor McGonagall’s office and knocked on the door.

    “Come in!” Professor McGonagall’s voice came from inside.


    Snape opened the door and gestured for Harry and Ron to enter first.

    Professor McGonagall was still grading papers.

    Hogwarts had about a thousand students. Even if each student only submitted one essay per week, it was still an enormous workload.

    Therefore, the task of grading essays was usually done by special enchanted quills; Professor McGonagall only spot-checked a few well-written essays.


    Professor McGonagall looked up. Seeing Harry and Ron, her face immediately hardened. “Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, what mischief are you two up to now?”

    Professor McGonagall was so angry she nearly had a high blood pressure attack.

    If she remembered correctly, this was the third time Harry and Ron had been caught sneaking out at night.

    The first time was in the restricted corridor on the fourth floor, and Filch caught them.

    The second time was in the Forbidden Forest, and Hagrid brought them back.

    The third time… they were caught by Snape again.

    Professor McGonagall didn’t know what to say anymore.

    Countless young witches and wizards in the school liked to sneak out at night, but McGonagall had never seen anyone get caught every single time they did it. It’s a case of “incompetent but persistent” (人菜瘾大 – literally “person unskilled but addiction big”).

    Harry hung his head, feeling both ashamed and furious at Snape. “Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore has left the school; the attacker will definitely take advantage of this to steal the Philosopher’s Stone…”

    “Dumbledore will handle the Philosopher’s Stone personally.”

    Professor McGonagall stared at Harry with a stern face. “Didn’t I tell you?”

    If Professor McGonagall understood Chinese, she would realize Harry was a classic case of “the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is” (皇帝不急太监急 – meaning someone is worrying unnecessarily about something beyond their control). But this was also a result of multiple factors.

    The cold reception in the Muggle world, his status as the “Boy Who Lived,” the points deducted for his first night-time escapade, the suspicions of others, his sense of justice…

    In short, Harry was desperately trying to do something befitting a ‘savior.’

    But his essence—was still just an eleven-year-old wizard.

    “I…” Harry opened his mouth, but didn’t know how to explain himself.

    Yes, many people had told him that the professors would solve this, but he couldn’t help himself.

    “Professor McGonagall, I leave them to you.” Snape smiled slightly, feeling very pleased with himself.

    “Thank you!” Professor McGonagall nodded.

    Snape gave Harry a “you’re on your own” look before turning and leaving Professor McGonagall’s office.

    On the fourth floor of the castle, in a dimly lit corridor, Quirrell slowly moved forward step by step.


    Quirrell tentatively called out, “Are you still there?”

    In the gloomy corridor, no one answered him.

    If one looked closely, they would notice the body under Quirrell’s cloak trembling constantly.


    Opening the door at the end of the corridor, Quirrell bent down and entered.

    “Woof! Woof—!”

    The three-headed dog roared, its three heads simultaneously lunging towards Quirrell.

    Quirrell frantically pulled out a harp from his pocket, which had been enlarged by an Extension Charm, and waved his wand to make it play automatically.


    The three-headed dog indeed fell soundly asleep.

    Flipping open the trapdoor, Quirrell waved his wand and threw out a ball of light.

    After seeing the mechanism below, Quirrell jumped down.

    The few obstacles under the trapdoor were obviously no match for an adult wizard like Quirrell. After a little effort, Quirrell reached the last barrier protecting the Philosopher’s Stone.

    The Mirror of Erised.

    It was a mirror that reached the ceiling. Quirrell stood in front of it, and he could see his reflection holding the Philosopher’s Stone, smiling at himself.

    “The Philosopher’s Stone! It’s the Philosopher’s Stone!”

    Quirrell was somewhat frantic, suddenly turning to look at his hands, only to find them empty.

    “What the hell is Dumbledore up to?”

    Quirrell angrily pointed his wand at the mirror, but worried that destroying the mirror would also cause the Philosopher’s Stone to disappear.

    “Master, Master… are you there?”

    Quirrell turned to look around, “Master, I’ve found the Philosopher’s Stone.”

    In the empty stone chamber, only Quirrell’s voice echoed.

    “Mas…Master, are…are you still there?”

    Quirrell was already panicking. Had Voldemort abandoned him?

    The figure in the mirror suddenly began to change. Quirrell turned sharply towards the mirror, only to see his reflection slowly transforming into… Dumbledore…?

    “Dum…Dumbledore!?” Quirrell was terrified, his legs giving way as he sat down heavily on the floor.

    Dumbledore stepped out of the mirror and looked down at Quirrell.

    Quirrell’s hood had fallen off, revealing his bald head—there wasn’t a single hair on it, nor Voldemort’s pale face.

    “Where is Voldemort?” Dumbledore’s expression was serious.

    “I…I don’t know…” Quirrell stammered.

    Voldemort hadn’t been acting together with Quirrell. After entering Hogwarts, Voldemort had separated from Quirrell’s body. He had let Quirrell find the Philosopher’s Stone first; he had other things to do.

    Dumbledore sighed and used Legilimency.

    “Tom… no!!”

    Dumbledore was startled; he didn’t have time to deal with Quirrell, only waving his wand to bind Quirrell before using a Patronus Charm to alert the other professors in the castle.

    Having done this, Dumbledore immediately turned and left quickly.

    Since Voldemort could possess Quirrell, he could naturally possess others.

    And at that very moment, there was a suitable body lying in the hospital wing.

    Tony Dorton!

    “It’s over…”

    Quirrell was utterly dejected.

    Voldemort had abandoned him, and Dumbledore had caught him… Between these two powerful figures, Quirrell felt as harmless as a lamb.

    When Dumbledore appeared, he hadn’t even resisted.

    He wondered if Dumbledore would be lenient towards him because of that.


    Voldemort’s angry voice suddenly sounded, a black mist rapidly approaching from a distance, then directly attaching itself to Quirrell’s body.

    “Mas…Master!” Quirrell was overjoyed that Voldemort hadn’t abandoned him.

    “Get your wand!”

    Voldemort’s voice was urgent, with a hint of impatience, “Dumbledore has alerted the others; use them to get the Philosopher’s Stone!”

    (End of Chapter)

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