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    Star Rail, My Little Shop on the Train 141

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    Chapter 141: Friendly Fire Everywhere

    January 29, 2025

    Chapter 141: Friendly Fire Everywhere

    The battlefield was a cacophony of gunfire and whizzing elemental bullets.

    Fu Xuan, wielding an M4 rifle, fired a Dendro bullet, hitting Kaeya.

    Before Kaeya could return fire, Fu Xuan’s teammate, Jing Yuan, immediately fired a Electro bullet.

    A flash of lightning crackled around Kaeya, and a small message appeared above his head:


    Kaeya, who still had two-thirds of his health, was instantly eliminated.

    Jing Yuan scored a kill.

    [Intruder Jing Yuan eliminated Defender Kaeya]

    Looking at the increased kill count on his panel, Jing Yuan was quite pleased.

    “Fu Xuan, let’s keep going!”

    Fu Xuan glanced at her own kill count, which remained stubbornly at zero.

    “General, you’re always the one getting the kills. Don’t you feel a little ashamed?”

    Jing Yuan smiled faintly.

    “Don’t say that, Fu Xuan. Your marksmanship is better than mine. You have to land the first shot to throw them off, then I get the chance to aim. If we pool our kill counts together, we’ll have a better chance of getting MVP and that extra 1000 Star Coins.”

    Fu Xuan, after hearing this, finally relented.

    “Fine, you make a valid point. For the sake of Lofu Xianzhou, a little sacrifice is nothing.”

    Seeing his manipulation succeed, Jing Yuan said,

    “Then let’s continue hunting.”

    As soon as Jing Yuan finished speaking, a Pyro grenade landed at their feet.

    The two looked down; the fuse had just burned out. Both were terrified!


    [Defender Klee eliminated Intruder Jing Yuan]
    [Defender Klee eliminated Intruder Fu Xuan]

    Behind a shipping container some distance away, Klee sat on the ground, her small hand rubbing her forehead.

    “Ouch~ So sore~”

    Klee had run too fast and bumped into the container.

    After rubbing her forehead, Klee looked around for her grenade.

    “Huh? Where’s Klee’s bomb?”

    Diona, who was on Klee’s team, said,

    “You threw it when you fell, I think. And it seems to have hit someone.”

    Klee almost cried upon hearing this.

    “Ah? Klee hit someone! Oh no~ Klee’s going to be in trouble for reckless bombing, and the injured will be coming after me, woo woo~”

    Diona comforted her.

    “It’s okay, Klee, this is a game, they won’t get hurt.”

    Klee then remembered she was in a game.

    “Oh yeah~”

    Klee looked at her panel.

    “Wow! Klee got two more kills~ I wonder who got blown up by Klee?”

    Diona looked around, holding her AK.

    “I don’t know, let’s get out of here. If more people come, we’re done for.”

    Klee took out another grenade.


    This modified version of CFGO only allows one weapon per person; grenades are included.

    Each life can carry 10 grenades. Besides the knife, a melee weapon, no other weapons can be used.

    The two small ones ran into a corner to look for other enemies.

    On the other side.

    Jadep and Diluc stood back-to-back, each with a shotgun, moving cautiously.

    Suddenly, an Electro bullet came hurtling towards them.

    Jadep was hit and quickly alerted Diluc.

    “Watch out! Enemy!”

    The two quickly took cover behind a wooden crate.

    Diluc cautiously peeked out and saw Lisa on a distant overpass, aiming a sniper rifle at them.

    Diluc frowned slightly.

    Why is Lisa shooting at “her” teammates?!

    Before he could finish complaining, Lisa’s second bullet arrived.

    Fortunately, Diluc reacted quickly and ducked.

    Diluc worked the bolt.

    “Jadep, you draw their fire, I’ll provide cover.”

    Jadep didn’t hesitate, nodding in agreement.

    After a three-second countdown, Jadep suddenly rushed out from behind the crate towards the shipping container.

    Lisa quickly turned her aim towards Jadep and fired, but missed.

    Seeing Lisa fire, Diluc immediately stood up and fired bursts at Lisa’s position to suppress her.

    Jadep turned around and also used his M4 to continuously fire bursts.

    Lisa hid behind the wooden crate; some bullets pierced through it, reducing her health significantly.

    However, Lisa wasn’t worried because Jean was about to arrive!

    Diluc and Jadep were so focused on attacking Lisa that they didn’t notice Jean, with an M4, peeking out from a nearby corner.

    “Da da da”

    A few shots rang out, and Jadep and Diluc were both eliminated.

    Jean came out of the corner after eliminating the two.

    “I’m sorry, Diluc Senpai.”

    Both sides were engaged in fierce combat, mostly concentrated in the middle of the transport ship.

    Gunfire was flying everywhere, and both sides’ kill counts were rapidly increasing.

    Although 1000 total kills seemed like a lot, there were 25 members on each side; only 40 kills per person would end it.

    In such a large-scale battlefield, 40 kills was quite easy; there were people everywhere.

    Just as the combined kill count reached 500, a voice echoed across the battlefield.

    [Attention! The game is entering the second stage! Every minute, airdrops will fall in the center of the battlefield. Airdrops contain powerful weapons, body armor, helmets, and more.]

    [Attention! The first airdrop has been deployed!]

    Everyone looked up into the sky.

    A red box, descending slowly under a parachute, could be seen.

    Without hesitation, everyone rushed towards the airdrop’s landing point.

    Whoever got the airdrop would gain a huge advantage.

    Eula was heading towards the airdrop’s landing point.

    Suddenly, a Pyro bullet hit her head, and in an instant, Eula disintegrated into particles.

    At the respawn point, Eula angrily stamped her foot.

    “Damn it! Who was it?!” Eula looked at the distance between herself and the airdrop. There was no chance she’d get it now.

    At that moment, a kill notification appeared.

    [Defender Amber eliminated Intruder Eula]

    When Eula saw who killed her, she nearly fainted from anger.

    “Amber!!! I’ll remember this!”

    Kafka, wielding dual UZIs, was quickly running through the alleyways. Suddenly! Hu Tao poked her head out from ahead.

    “Hehe! Kafka, prepare to die!”

    Kafka reacted quickly, firing her dual UZIs at Hu Tao.

    Before Hu Tao could even fire a shot, she was eliminated by a barrage of Electro bullets.

    Xing saw Hu Tao’s demise and quickly moved to cover.

    “Hu Tao!”

    As soon as Xing poked his head out, a gun barrel was pressed against his forehead.

    Xing looked closely, and saw Kafka smiling at him.

    “Xing, you’re being a little naughty~”

    Xing gulped hard.

    “Uh… Kafka… could you let me off?”

    Kafka smiled slightly.

    “Oh? You’re not going to avenge your teammate?”

    Xing shook his head.

    “No, no, no, K/D is most important.”

    Kafka pulled the trigger.

    “Asking if I can let you off? Nope~”

    [Intruder Kafka eliminated Defender Xing]

    March 7th had just eliminated Diluc who had just respawned and was turning her gun to avenge Xing and Hu Tao. At that moment, an Anemo bullet precisely hit March 7th on the head.

    (End of chapter)

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